Positive birth affirmations

Positive birth affirmations are a great tool to help you to reframe how you think about birth. These positive and present statements, when spoken or read regularly, reinforce comforting and strong thoughts, which help you to think about birth in a positive way.

You can print or copy the images below and put them up around your home. Or, you could record yourself reading them – you may find hearing these strong statements in your own voice will be even more empowering. When used often, these affirmations will help you to build positive associations with labour and birth.

Square that reads: I am prepared
Positive birth statement: I am doing the best I can
Positive birth affirmation - I am a birthzilla
Positive birth affirmation: my birth partner is on my side
Positive birth affirmation: I trust my body and my baby
Positive birth affirmation: I am prepared for whatever turn my baby's birth takes
Positive birth affirmation: I am strong
Positive birth affirmation: I can do anything for a minute
Positive birth affirmation: I trust that my instincts are right
Positive birth affirmation: Birth is powerful but so am I
Positive birth affirmation: this too shall pass